Podesta’s e-mail hacked, the fallout, a Limerick.


When password is “p@ssw0rd” you’re hacked,

Podesta’s all e-mails ransacked

publicized by RT

must be Russia, you see.

Did this have election impact?

The Russians are good hackers. They hack and sell passwords, hack and demand ransom to restore computers, hack for industrial and military espionage, I could go on. They have been doing this  since the internet started. The lower level hacking, such as Podesta’s e-mails, is usually done at the cottage industry level, the more sophisticated espionage is controlled centrally.

But Russia is not the only hacker. China is much more prolific, at least as sophisticated, and has the goods on all U.S. citizens (more than 20 million) with top secret or secret clearance, and all government employees.

There are two types of corporations in the U.S. Those that have been hacked, and those that don’t know yet they have been hacked.

Other actors are North Korea, Iran, Nigeria, and many US allies.

Are we innocent? Hardly. Here is a snapshot of one day in the world of cyber attacks

When all these hackings were starting the Bush Administration did very little to combat it. The Obama administration did even less as hackings grew in numbers and level of sophistication. By doing nothing, he gave away trillions of dollars worth of intellectual property, and jeopardized our security.

Now, after losing the election Obama wakes up and expels some some Russian diplomats from two compounds that have been doing mostly industrial and military espionage since the 70’s.

Way to go, Obama. First you used U.S. taxpayer money to try to prevent the re-election of Israel prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu won in a landslide.

Then you went to London and said “If the U.K. voted to leave the E.U, Britain would be left back in the queue”. Brexit won convincingly.

You campaigned hard for Hillary Clinton and ridiculed Trump as much as you could. Trump won in an electoral landslide.

Now you think you have found the culprit: Putin’s Russia.

At least Trump is forming a group to report within 90 days how to handle cyber security in his administration and for the whole country. It won’t be easy or cheap, but it must be done to preserve freedom.

One more verse to the Hillary Clinton nursery rhyme: What is top secret?


On Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace rolled a clip from October of Mr. Obama saying that “I can tell you this is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.” Mr. Wallace then cited the 2,000 or so emails we have since learned contained classified information, including 22 that included “top secret” information, and he asked: “Can you still say flatly that she did not jeopardize America’s secrets?”

Mr. Obama replied: “I’ve got to be careful because, as you know, there have been investigations, there are hearings, Congress is looking at this. And I haven’t been sorting through each and every aspect of this. Here’s what I know: Hillary Clinton was an outstanding Secretary of State. She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.”

This adds one more verse to the Hillary Clinton nursery rhyme:

Hillary, Hillary, where have you been?

“It’s none of your business, for I am the queen.”

………………  more    ……………..

Hillary, Hillary, what is top secret?

“I’m too dumb to know if it hasn’t been marked yet.”

The whole nursery rhyme: https://lenbilen.com/2015/05/17/hillary-clinton-as-a-nursery-rhyme/

Hillary Clinton the confused. A nursery rhyme.

Hillary Clinton often confused. Who would have thunk?

Check out this Huma Abedin email from  January 26, 2013, containing an exchange with Clinton aide Monica Hanley regarding Clinton’s schedule in which Abedin says Clinton is “often confused:”

  • Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows singh is at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh]
  • Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her
  • Abedin: Very imp to do that. She’s often confused.


Here are 21 questions for Hillary Clinton. I have made them in the form of a nursery rhyme to make the questions age appropriate for the average low information voter. The answers are purely hypothetical, and does assume a candidness, free from lies for which she hitherto has not been known.


Hillary, Hillary, where have you been?

“It’s none of your business, for I am the queen.”

Hillary, Hillary, what did you see?

“I saw heads of states so that they would fund me.”

Hillary, Hillary, what did you do?

“No evidence found that there was quid pro quo.”

Hillary, Hillary, what did you say?

“It’s old news by now, won’t you please go away.”

Hillary, Hillary, when did you lie?

“Benghazi for starters, I have a supply.”

Hillary, Hillary, what did you write?

“Deleted my e-mails to give you my spite.”

Hillary, Hillary, why do you run?

“Entitled I am, it’s my turn in the sun.”

Hillary, Hillary, what do you eat?

“Genetically modified food ’til I bleat.”

Hillary, Hillary, what’s with your hair?

“Blond coloring hides I’m an old, graying mare.”

Hillary, Hillary, why did you speak?

“To take all the cash from the poor and the weak.”

Hillary, Hillary, do you love life?

“Not if they’re unborn, abort with a knife.”

Hillary, Hillary, why did you cry?

“I was broke and in debt, it was hard to get by.”

Hillary, Hillary, what was your fee?

“For the students, two millions, I’m cheap, don’t you see?”

Hillary, Hillary, what was the deal?

“Our Uranium to Russia, Bill had a great spiel.”

Hillary, Hillary, why all the lies?

“Maybe, just maybe, I’m Lord of the flies.”

Hillary, Hillary, what’s classified?

“I’ve no idea, I’ve nothing to hide.”

Hillary, Hillary, what is the day?

“Bloody Tuesday it is. I’m a witch. Hip, Hooray!!”

Hillary, Hillary, what’s classified?

“I really don’t know, I have nothing to hide.”

Hillary, Hillary, are you contrite?

“If I say ‘I am Sorry’, it makes all wrongs right.”

Hillary, Hillary, are you for real?

“My focus group gives me that warm, homespun feel.”

Hillary, Hillary, are you confused?

“Often I am, but I’m never amused.”

Hillary Clinton’s e-mails hacked by China. A Limerick.

zSt1wd7eiJb2K1ff0qYYviCfWol-L5HVcd3qZCapRUe2W4cTrtGPc-g2iIKT7kjRCnkw5pBKDdvA3K5kYER7eMJ9msRPg06HREReus2NKjTD1wjmsiaL6c4=s0-d-e1-ftThe Queen of the lawlessness pack

Her e-mails for China to hack

Unsecured, they could track

secret sources, way back.

Our Government is in their sack.

China’s cyber spies have accessed the private emails of “many” top Obama administration officials, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official and a top secret document obtained by NBC News, and have been doing so since at least April 2010.

The email grab — first codenamed “Dancing Panda” by U.S. officials, and then “Legion Amethyst” — was detected in April 2010, according to a top secret NSA briefing from 2014. The intrusion into personal emails was still active at the time of the briefing and, according to the senior official, is still going on.

In 2011, Google disclosed that the private gmail accounts of some U.S. officials had been compromised, but the briefing shows that private email accounts from other providers were compromised as well.

Read An Exclusive NBC News Report on More Than 600 Chinese Hacks of U.S. Websites

The government email accounts assigned to the officials, however, were not hacked because they are more secure, says the senior U.S. intelligence official.

Update; There were at least two e-mails containing satellite images of crypto secret quality – the one class above top secret sent from Hillary’s server. This is much worse than what General Petraeus was convicted of.

The Clinton Foundation, Hillary’s e-mails ready to hack, lawlessness running wild. A Limerick.

Hillary Rodham Clinton June 20 2007  accused then President Bush of disregarding the Constitution and promised to bring a new progressive vision to the White House.

Bush’s government has “a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok,” she said in one of the more partisan speeches of her campaign. “It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.”

rtr2st4wThe picture on the right has Hillary Clinton on her way to Libya. Interesting enough there are no released e-mails from her from that trip.

The Queen of the lawlessness pack.

Her e-mails for Russians to hack.

It is Hillary’s shame

She is always the same

The Clinton Foundation; a PAC?

Not much has changed since got fired from her short stint as a staff lawyer for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation. Her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman said in an interview she was fired “because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality. In a 2008 column Zeifman wrote, “My own reaction was of regret, when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations.”

But she learned one lifelong lesson from the Watergate investigation: Don’t leave a trail.















Sarah Palin’s e-mails. A Limerick.

Over 23000 pages of Sarah Palin’s e-mails were released June 10 2011, covering her years a Governor up to her selection as Vice President. Washington Post called for volunteers to help them dig up dirt. What did they find? Nothing, except more than 13000 e-mails without anything embarrassing, all produced in a time span of 2 years. Who, if any can duplicate that? After reading a few of the e-mails I came away with the impression: This is exactly the executive I would like to work for: demanding, no nonsense, inspiring, compassionate, organized and clear.


With e-mails galore from then Governor Palin

The MSM hoped to put the last nail in

her coffin. The Press horde

instead fell on their sword.

Soon President Palin we all may be hailin’.