Why Thorium? 23. Denmark has an interesting proposition in Thorium Molten Salt Reactors.

From Denmark comes this interesting sales pitch for a nuclear waste, thorium based nuclear technology. Like most sales pitches it glosses over the remaining problems to implement it, and emphasizes advantages, which are many. Let us take a look at it:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IndustryNuclear power
FoundedAugust 25, 2014; 8 years ago
HeadquartersCopenhagen, Denmark
ProductsMolten Salt LoopsMolten Salt PumpsMolten Salt Measurement EquipmentPurified Salt

Copenhagen Atomics is a Danish molten salt technology company developing mass manufacturable molten salt reactors. The company is pursuing small modular, molten fuel salt, thorium fuel cycle, thermal spectrum, breeder reactors using separated plutonium from spent nuclear fuel as the initial fissile load for the first generation of reactors.[1]

Copenhagen Atomics’ headquarters are co-located with Alfa Laval in Copenhagen.[2]


Copenhagen Atomics was founded in 2014 by a group of scientists and engineers meeting at Technical University of Denmark and around the greater Copenhagen area for discussions on thorium and molten salt reactors, who later incorporated in 2015.[3] In 2016, Copenhagen Atomics was part of MIMOSA, a European nuclear molten salt research consortium.[4]

Copenhagen Atomics became the first private company in 2017, to offer a commercial molten salt loop.[5][6]

By the end of 2022, Copenhagen Atomics finished a full-size prototype reactor. The prototype is a full-scale test platform, to test the system in its entirety, with water as its medium. In 2023 a full-scale prototype molten salt reactor will be built to test the entire system with non-radioactive molten salts.[7]

In May 2023, Copenhagen Atomics signed a memorandum of understanding with the Scandinavian companies Topsoe, Alfa Laval and Aalborg CSP, and Indonesian companies Pupuk Kalimantan Timur and Pertamina New and Renewable Energy, with the prospect of establishing a green ammonia plant in Bontang, Indonesia. The plant will be capable of producing 1 million tonnes of ultra-low emission ammonia annually, which will save the emission of 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.[8]

Research and development

Copenhagen Atomics is pursuing a hardware-driven iterative component-by-component approach to reactor development, instead of a full design license and approval approach. Copenhagen Atomics is actively developing and testing valves, pumps, heat exchangers, measurement systems, salt chemistry and purification systems, and control systems and software for molten salt applications.[9] The company has also developed the world’s only canned molten salt pump and are developing an active electromagnetic bearing canned molten salt pump.[9]

Copenhagen Atomics offers many of their technologies commercially available to the market. This includes pumped molten salt loops for use in molten salt reactor research, as well as highly purified salts for high temperature concentrated solar power, molten salt energy storage, and molten salt chemistry research.[10]

Environmental Impact

According to the website Thorium Energy World: “The CAWB [ed. Copenhagen Atomics Waste Burner] will use thorium to burn out actinides from spent nuclear fuel in order to convert long-lived radioactive waste into short-lived radioactive waste, while producing large amounts of energy and jobs in present time. End of Wikipedia quote.

The limiting factor in this molten salt reactors buildup is the availability of Uranium 233, the result of neutron bombardment of Thorium resulting in Protactinium, which converts to U-233, the real clean nuclear fuel in 29 days. The breeding gain is only 1.05, so it takes quite some time to build up the capacity. The separation stage is the critical stage, and they will not provide it, but the technology is there, but is not yet ready to be commercialized, and they were silent about who was going to do it. It is, which he also acknowledged, expensive with current methods.

Denmark ends COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots for people under 50 except for high risk people as determined by their doctors.

Denmark has a very good medical system for all. It is universal and medication needs are met as determined by the medical professionals and government. This is their official message:

And it is about time. The data all over the world is showing that the COVID vaccines do more harm than good for people under 50. In U.K. the February COVID-19 deaths were 90% from vaccinated people, making the vaccinated death rate at least twice as high as from the un-vaccinated, see results here. This was clear a year ago in U.S. as well, see here. Since then it has been clear that only very vulnerable people under the age of 45-60 should be boosted or even vaccinated.

Denmark and Germany confirm. You are more likely to get the Omicron variant if you are fully vaccinated.

First let me assure you I am not an anti-vaxxer. Both me and my wife got the booster shot of Pfizer vaccine last week, so that is not my beef. The problem is to get accurate information from CDC. All they say is Get the vaccine, and now they want to expand the age down to 5 year olds, even without conducting any meaningful tests.

I am of Swedish origin and my wife is from Denmark, so I follow what is going on in the world to get real, up to date information; CDC, FDA and NIH seem to be indebted to promote vaccines only, so they keep real time information to themselves, or so it seems.

According to a report from the Danish Ministry of Health’s Statens Serum Institut (SSI), nearly 90% of individuals infected with the Omicron coronavirus variant are “fully vaccinated,” or have also had a “booster” injection.

Out of a total reported 41,342 Omicron infections, 29,781 infected individuals had completed the primary vaccination injection schedule.

7,330 infected individuals had been injected with a “booster,” and 731 infected individuals had received one dose.

Compared to the 3,500 unvaccinated people who became infected with Omicron variant, 37,842 infected individuals had been injected with coronavirus vaccines. Denmark’s reported vaccination rate is purported to be nearly 78%. It is clear that the Omicron variant favors vaccinated people. Not only that , but the longer you have been vaccinated the worse it gets. Another statistics from Denmark confirms:

The booster shot does not even bring you back to the original efficiency of the vaccine.

The data appears to suggest a trend, as previous data from Germany showed that 96% of new Omicron coronavirus patients were “fully vaccinated,” while unvaccinated people accounted for only 4% of the infections.

A small sample of data released by the German government found that the Omicron coronavirus variant has been overwhelmingly infecting “fully vaccinated people,” including triple vaccinated people, while unvaccinated people remain largely unscathed by the newly discovered strain.

Out of 4,206 patients in the study, 4,020 had been injected with the COVID-19 vaccines, National File reported Thursday.

In the United States, data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the Omicron variant had been overwhelmingly infecting people who had received vaccine injections for COVID-19 to the tune of 80%. The Dec 28 U.S. vaccination rate is 69.31%

An explanation as to why vaccinated individuals appear to be getting infected with the new strain at such a staggering rate, when compared to those who have not been injected, could perhaps be found in a report by the New York Times, which claimed that experts in Israel had warned the Israeli government that “too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus.”

This is a big red flag. Let us stop vaccinate people under the age of 45 unless there are at risk people.

This is my suggestion: Add Ivermectin to the allowed medication for COVID-19 as soon as possible. If it had been done a year ago a half million lives had been saved. How come CDC and NIH cannot notice how successful Ivermectin is combating COVID-19 worldwide?

And then there was one. U.S. alone fights climate change the right way.

At the climate conference in Bonn, Germany, Syria signed the so called Paris Accord on Climate Change, leaving the United States alone as a non-signer.

Our European friends are quite upset about this. After all, countries like Denmark and Germany have the highest residential electricity rates in the world to pay for their wind and solar power installed. Here are the countries with reduced CO2 emissions this century:

But if one looks at the absolute decline in CO2 emissions, the U.S. leads the pack hands down:

So, who is the biggest CO2 villain? It is China by 6500 million tons of oil equivalent increase since 2000.    According to the Paris accord China is allowed to emit 6 times as much CO2 as the U.S. And not only that, the U.S. would pay them as one of the “developing” countries to do that!

Thought for the day: Thank God for pork chops and “frikadeller”.

 It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements:  You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell. (Acts 15:28-29

The other day we found a whole pork loin selling at $1.59 a pound at Wegmans. We picked it up and my wife made the most wonderful stuffed pork chops. The meat juice, when heavy cream, flour, water and some secret ingredients are added, makes the most wonderful gravy. we had our son and family over last Sunday, and the two year old grand daughter, small for her age as she is, ate almost a whole stuffed pork chop by herself, saying “I like it” over and over again.

Another food I love are Danish “frikadeller”. They are like Swedish meatballs, but bigger and made entirely from ground pork. Properly spiced they are just magnificently delicious. See the picture!

884223The principal agricultural export product from Denmark is pork in all of its forms. They have the last few years exported more and more to Russia, but a few months ago, after the collapse in oil prices, they suddenly stopped importing Danish pork. The pork mounds grew, filling up the slaughterhouses. What to do?

It is time to introduce pork in the political discussion.

Denmark has received their fair share of mid-eastern immigrants and refugees. They are now so many that they have started to demand they be served certifiably non-pork based food exclusively. Some communities responded by stopping to serve pork altogether in schools and municipal institutions so as not to hurt the feelings of Muslims. Such was the case in Randers, a seaport city in Northern Jutland, a town with a large slaughterhouse, processing pigs for export.

Monday a week ago the city council had enough. They voted (16 to 15) that pork products must be served at all meals in all schools and institutions. The Muslim children can still opt out of their ham and cheese sandwich, taking only cheese on their sandwich.

Yes there is pork in Danish politics. How about good old U.S.A.?

Iowa is holding its annual Pork Congress January 27-28, just before the Iowa caucus. Time for pork politics?

As for me and my house: Thank God for pork chops and “frikadeller”!



alpolitikerne har stemt ja til et forslag fra Dansk Folkeparti og Venstre om, at det skal være et krav hos alle kommunens institutioner, at svinekød skal være en del af madplanen.

Byrådsmedlem i Randers for Velfærdslisten Kasper Fuhr Christensen var et af de 15 byrådsmedlemmer, der stemte nej til forslaget.

Han kalder beslutningen »unødvendig«, fordi der ifølge ham ikke har været problemer på kommunens institutioner.

»Jeg synes, at det er fuldstændig absurd, når der nu ikke har været henvendelser fra utilfredse forældre. Det er et problem, som man har opfundet ud af den blå luft. Det er stor svineståhøj for ingenting,« siger han.

Forslaget om at servere svinekød for både de muslimske og ikke-muslimske børn blev stillet efter, at flere af kommunens institutioner havde valgt at ophøre med at servere svinekød for børnene.

DF’er i Randers: Frikadelleforslag er blevet misforstået

Et af de steder, hvor man havde valgt at tage hensyn til de muslimske børn ved i stedet at servere halalkød, var Børnehuset Jennumparken, som Jyllands-Posten beskrev sidste år.

Dengang sagde institutionens leder Bente Gråkjær, at det vigtigste ifølge hende ikke var, hvordan kødet blev slagtet, men derimod om børnenen fik en ordentlig kost.

»Der er jo efterhånden også mange etniske danskere, der ikke spiser svinekød. Hos os har vi mange vigtige udfordringer at arbejde med, og så skal maden ikke gøres til en konflikt. Det vigtige er, at børnene får god og nærende kost,« sagde hun.

Muligheden for at forbyde svinekød har institutionerne i Randers Kommune med mandagens beslutning ikke længere. Fremover skal institutionerne i stedet sikre, at »dansk madkultur skal være en del af de kommunale institutioner.«

Danske muslimer ønsker, at der bliver taget hensyn – men får et nej

Under byrådsmødet stillede medlem af Børn- og skoleudvalget, Mikael Firlings Mouritsen (S), ifølge Randers Amtsavis spørgsmålstegn ved, hvordan en forældrebestyrelse skal kunne forstå begrebet dansk madkultur

Manden bag forslaget, byrådsmedlem for Dansk Folkeparti Frank Nørgaard, understregede dog ifølge Ritzau, at forslaget ikke handlede om mistillid til institutionerne og forældrebestyrelserne.

»Vi vil bare sikre svinekød i vore institutioner til de, der ønsker det. Det handler ikke om generel mistillid til institutionernes bestyrelser. Men flere steder i landet forsøger man at luske igennem, at der ikke skal serveres svinekød i institutioner,« sagde Frank Nørgaard ifølge Randers Amtsavis.

En undersøgelse, som Wilke sidste efterår foretog for Jyllands-Posten, viste dengang, at 83,4 pct. af de danske muslimer mener, at der skal serveres halalslagtet kød i danske vuggestuer, børnehaver og skoler.

Omvendt svarede kun hver fjerde ikke-muslimske dansker, at institutionerne skal tage hensyn til de muslimske børns madvaner.


Gunfire at a debate at the Cultural Center “The Powder Keg” in Copenhagen. Subject: “Blasphemy and Freedom of Speech”.

Lars VilksGunfire in Copenhagen art debate featuring the theme “Blasphemy and freedom of speech”. The featured speaker was to be the Swedish Cartoonist Lars Vilks, famous for his Muhammad Cartoons. The gunfire started before he was to speak.

First a background on Denmark and its people:

The Danes, a friendly people are hard to impress and hard to scare. Lately, they too have had to take in their fair share, (as defined by EU) of Muslim refugees and immigrants. The Danes decided to distribute them evenly across the country and thus they would be absorbed into Danish culture in no time. After all, they had successfully assimilated even the Gypsy. However in mid 2000 they experienced a few honor killings in their peaceful country, since some young women sought to assimilate into Danish Culture. The Danish judicial system decided to apply Danish law on the perpetrators and everyone associated with one honor killing got long prison terms, including the taxi driver who provided the getaway car. The Danish newspaper Jyllandsposten gave it maximum publicity. This didn’t sit well with the Muslim Imams, so they complained and threatened them, telling them to stop writing evil of our sense of honor or else. The newspaper editors responded with a competition who could produce the best Muhammad cartoons, and so in 2007, slowly at first, but the religion of peace activists grew angrier and angrier and a total of about 93 people were killed worldwide. The results linger as we saw in Paris lately.

Lars Vilks cartoonNow back to the Cultural center “Krudttønden” (The Powder Keg) in Copenhagen.

One person is dead, a 55-year-old male, film director Finn Norgaard. 3 policemen wounded, none life threatening.

Two armed gunmen opened fire at the attendees of the debate, one gaining entrance through the kitchen, and the other shooting from the outside through the windows.

About 30 shots were fired from automatic weapons, more powerful than the police weapons

The getaway car, a stolen VW Polo was found a few blocks away but the gunmen, described as “Of Mideastern Descent” are still at large.


There is since 2007 a Fatwa on Lars Vilks, and a $100000 reward for his death.

There were 40 shots at the Culture Center.

They now think there was only one gunman at the culture center, not two as first reported

The first shooting at around 4:p.m. local time.

There has been a second shooting outside the Jewish Synagogue on Krystalgade in Central Copenhagen about 12:45 a.m. Monday, three people wounded, including 2 policemen, one shot in his head, the policemen with flesh wounds.

There also may be a shooting at the Norreport Metro Station, two blocks from the Synagogue.

The person killed outside the synagogue, 37 year old Dan Uzan was standing guard safeguarding a Bat Mitzvah (coming of age for 12 year old Jewish girls). He was a member of the Synagogue.

After a shootout the perpetrator,  22-year-old Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein,a person on the police watch-list was killed by the police.

A second arrest has been made, reason unknown.

Obama’s pugilist eloquence. A Limerick.

From the show Detektor, Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR.) host Thomas Buch-Andersen shows a tounge-in-cheek evaluation of the President Obama’s amazing use of a very specialized vocabulary.

Who punches above its own weight?

The pugilist nations can’t wait.

He preaches civility

But has no ability

Looks punch-drunk. The count? Standing eight.


The biggest threat to civilization. A view from Denmark.

The Conservative vice Prime Minister of Denmark Lene Espersen spoke to a  Danish Reporter from Ekstrabladet: ” The Muslim threat to our society far exceeds the challenge of climate change. If you walk around aimlessly thinking that the biggest threat to our existence is the environment flooding you in the next decades, prepare yourself for another think. The biggest threats to Denmark and the Danish value system are Muslim.” This affirms the leader of the Conservative party and Vice P.M. Lene Espersen, and is thus raising the level of the dialogue hither fore heard only from the Danish People’s Party. “The biggest threat is coming from Militant Muslim extremism,” the minister said.

They are watching Pakistani TV Lene Espersen is happy that so many immigrants participate in the work force – but this in no way solves the underlying problem. ” The problem is: If they are part of the work force but not part of the society, it still does not work . They go to work, make their money, but they live in a parallel society where they watch Arab and Pakistani TV when they get home – thereby totally bypassing Danish society” Lene Espersen added.

Demand more

She look at the way out of this growing problem is a strengthening of the “Value Politics” “We will increase our requirements. We will extend our hand to those who have a hard time to see the wisdom in our model of society. We will require both a carrot and a stick.”