Hot enough? Hillary Clinton is full of hot air. A Limerick.

This tweet from the twice defeated presidential candidate and 2016 election denier Hillary Clinton caught my attention for its many factual errors. This is the forwarded tweet:

It begins with factual recording from the Washington Post. It is a record string of very hot days in Phoenix. In fact, today is the 25th day of over 110F, and continuing.

The next headline is from CNN tells of the heat wave all over the south, where nearly every community in the area shows one heat record after another. The count is more than twice as high now. The heat wave continues. About the only record not broken is the maximum temperature in Death Valley, still standing at 134°F (57°C) on July 10, 1913.

Not to be outdone, MSNBC chimes in with “We are in uncharted territory”, which is true since worldwide satellite measurements didn’t start until 1979. So it isn’t very surprising that new records will be set. The time frame is only 44 years.

But Forbes magazine takes the cake: The once serious business publication states that July 4 was the hottest day in over 100,000 years! The real temperature after the little ice age isn’t even back to the medieval warm period, much less the Roman warm period, even less than the Minoan warming

Even more interesting is the temperature in the Holocene Climate optimum:

From this chart we can see, even as there were no global measurements taken it was warmer during 8000 of the last 10,000 years, at least according to the Greenland Ice Cores.

But back to the Hillary tweet: CBS claimed that Earth just had the hottest June on record. What they forgot to mention was “since worldwide satellite records began in 1979”

This calls for a Limerick

The Climate change pace in this plot

shows voting next fall means a lot.

No original sin

if Republicans win

since temperatures will be less hot.

From comes this interesting plot: (Thanks, David Middleton)

From this we can see that the global temperature changes according to hadcrut4gl are:

During the presidency of George H W Bush temperatures fell by 0.20 C/decade

During the presidency of Bill Clinton temperatures rose by 0.26 C/decade

During the presidency of George W Bush temperatures fell by 0.04 C/decade

During the presidency of Barack H Obama temperatures rose by 0.42 C/decade

So far , during the Presidency of Donald J Trump global temperatures have receded 0.24 C.

President Donald J Trump ended his presidency with a temperature decline of 0.37C/decade.

So far, during Joe Biden ‘s presidency temperatures are up 0.18C, and that was before the latest heatwave.

It seems the hot air is coming from Democrats, and with Republicans cooler minds prevail

And a bonus question. During the 1930s the number, length and severity of U.S heatwaves was much worse. Who was president for most of that time?

Oh and by the way, in the 1930s the CO2 level was around 300 ppm. It is now 418.4 ppm or 40% higher.

October 14, read through the Bible in a year.

Today we read the third chapter of the letter to the Hebrews and the first two chapters of Lamentations.

October 14: Hebrews 3, Lamentations 1, Lamentations 2 (click on the chapter to begin reading).

Hebrews 3 hammers down the truth about today. “Exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” With God, every day is “today” and so should we also live.  More about that tomorrow. Other than that it also mentions that Jesus is far superior to Moses.

Lamentations 1. It is written as dirge poetry at the time when Jerusalem is afflicted and captured. It is a true acrostic, which means the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are used in succession to begin the lines and sections of those songs.

Lamentations 2 It too is dirge poetry written in an acrostic form emphasizing God’s anger over Jerusalem.


What is hate speech?

What is hate speech?

Hillary Clinton put up this tweet on Saturday morning, just before the terrible shooting tragedy in El Paso that killed 22 people and wounded more than two dozen.

The El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius of Allen Tx, was a registered Democrat, held anti illegal immigrant views since before Donald Trump became President, pointed out that one of his biggest fears was what illegal immigration did to the environment and climate change. His manifesto, published two hours before the shooting mentioned the massacre in Christchurch, NZ, which also defines him as anti Muslim. The interpretation of his manifesto has been that he is a white supremacist, but other parts seem to indicate that he believes in sustainability and has to reduce the overall population of the world.

It looks as though Connor Betts, the Dayton shooter, who killed nine people Saturday night, one of them his own sister, was a registered Democrat, Satanist, vehement anti-Trumper, and supporter of one of the Democratic presidential candidates. I do not mention her name, she has no personal responsibility for the shooting.

Now back to Hillary’s tweet. It mentions climate emergency as if it were a fact and only by voting Democrat can this emergency be averted. This is delusional at best and a flat out lie at worst. Let us take a look at what is happening to Greenland this year.

It is true that we are having a heatwave over Greenland the last four days, and there has been some ice-melt. See chart from the Danish Meteorological Institute

in 2011-2012 there  was a much larger ice-melt. By contrast, the last 4 years the ice accumulation has been above normal and Greenland actually grew its glaciers. This year nearly all snow storms went between Greenland and Scandinavia so the snow did not accumulate as fast, which means it is old ice melting in the western parts of Greenland. This is perfectly normal and now the sun is so low on the horizon that melted water actually reflects the sun more than the ice, so the melting is about over for this year. Hillary is no climate scientist, and all this fear mongering does is trying to whip up a frenzy, so much so that us “climate deniers” (a term reserved for climate change realists) should be exterminated, or at least castrated. This too is hate speech.

July 15, read through the Bible in a year.

Today we read one chapter of second Corinthians and the first three chapters of Job.

July 15: 2 Corinthians 12, Job 1, Job 2, Job 3 (click on the chapter to begin reading)

2 Corinthians 12, Paul describes his vision of paradise and his thorn in the flesh (“for when I am weak, then I am strong”.)  The marks of an Apostle are signs, wonders and miracles, and Paul displays his love for the Church.

Job 1. This is the oldest book in the Bible and predates even the Pentateuch. It is written in old Aramaic.  Job and his Family lived in in Uz, righteous before God. Satan attacked Job’s Character and as a result Job lost his property and his children.

Job 2. Satan Attacked Job’s Health, and then was visited by three friends, keeping him company for a week without saying a word.

Job 3. Job deplores his birth before his three friends, and they still keep quiet.


One more verse to the “ode to Hillary Clinton” song. Hillary the Cyber Security Expert.

News item: Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will serve as a keynote speaker at the Cyber Defense Summit 2019, the cybersecurity company FireEye announced on Thursday, May 30.

“We are pleased to announce that Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will be a featured keynote at our #FireEyeSummit in October! Secretary Clinton will engage in an intimate Q&A keynote discussion,” a tweet from the company read.

This calls for one more verse to the Ode to Hillary song:

As Cybersecurity expert in making,

She still is supreme in sincerity faking.

For she was not a sloth,

no, she wiped with a cloth

her server, top secrets for hackers free taking.

It is guessed that her unsecured e-mail server had been accessed by at least five foreign entities, we will never find out who, since the server had been wiped clean using BleachBit after the server had been requested to be preserved for evidence of potential hacking.

The rest of the song:

Acts 13, Saul’s first Missionary journey, Preaching at Cyprus, Saul’s name changed to Paul, at Pisidian Antioch, Blessing and Conflict in Antioch.

Acts 13, Saul’s first Missionary journey, Preaching at Cyprus, Saul’s name changed to Paul, at Pisidian Antioch, Blessing and Conflict in Antioch.

Why the name change from Saul to Paul?

Acts 4, Peter and John arrested, before the Sanhedrin, don’t speak about Jesus anymore, Prayer for Boldness, sharing all things.

Acts 4, Peter and John arrested, before the Sanhedrin, don’t speak about Jesus anymore, Prayer for Boldness, sharing all things.



Hillary okayed sale of Uranium mine to Russia for bribes, donations and a honorarium.

So Hillary sold our Uranium

for bribes and a huge honorarium.

Putin sold to Iran

yellow cake, with no ban.

Is anything left in her cranium?

This sheds new light on her “Reset” with Russia in Geneva, March 2009.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opened her first extended talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov by giving himperegruzka a present meant to symbolize the Obama administration’s vow to “press the reset button” on U.S.-Russia relations.

She handed a palm-sized box wrapped with a bow. Lavrov opened it and pulled out the gift: a red button on a yellow base with a Russian word peregruzka printed on top.

“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” Clinton asked.

“You got it wrong,” Lavrov said.

Instead of “reset,” Lavrov said the word on the box meant “overcharge.”peregruzkareset

Hillary and Sergei laughed.

“We won’t let you do that to us,” she said.

It doesn’t say ПЕРЕГРУЗКА on the button, it says PEREGRUZKA. The mistranslation is bad enough, but using Roman letters instead of Cyrillic? What was going on? Didn’t anyone realize they use a different alphabet over there? There are two possible explanations: Ignorance, or arrogance on the part of the Hillary Clinton State Department. I know  Hillary Clinton has demonstrated plenty of both in statements such as: “What difference does it make?”

How has this reset worked out for us? Besides Iran, Syria, Turkey, Hezbollah, Libya, Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and many other countries where U.S. and Russia have opposing interests, and Poland where we plainly sold out the missile defense, we are in a pickle on at least two fronts:

1. Space exploration.

Since Obama made it NASA’s highest priority to promote the contributions of Islam to science and the scrapping of the space shuttle program with no replacements in sight we are still totally dependent on Russia to ferry our astronaut scientists to and from the space station.

Russia is doing the rational thing: Tripling the fees from $22 million to  $71 million to transport just one American astronaut to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard its Soyuz spacecraft in 2016. –

2. Uranium. By selling 20% of our Uranium to Russia via a Canadian Corporation in exchange for a a total of $145 million donations to the Clinton Foundation and a half million dollar speaking fee for Bill Clinton, this has left us vulnerable to extortion, since we are 90% dependent on imported Uranium for our electricity production. The U.S. only have 1.9% of the world’s Uranium resources. Losing control over 20% of the 1.9% means we are now even more vulnerable in our power generation, not to mention national security.

Maybe Hillary really meant “Overcharge” instead of reset? Hillary, as well as Obama seemed to love to give money and influence to our adversaries instead of caring about our economy at home.

We need a major national effort in developing Thorium based Nuclear energy. there is a million year supply of Thorium, as opposed to Uranium, where we are hopelessly reduced to importing 92% or more of our need.

Here are

Vote fraud in California? How else do you explain this?

The Federal Government maintains a list of its citizens, the state governments don’t. Judicial watch has made an investigation of the registered voters and found that eleven counties had more voters registered than the number of eligible voters. Here is a list of them:

County           Vote            Vote       % eligible  Clinton/
—————— Clinton      Trump   registered  Trump
Los Angeles 1,893,770    620,285   144            3.05
San Diego        567,243    386,807   138           1.47
San Francisco 312,445      34,493   114           9.06
San Mateo       192,035      47,627   111           4.03
Solano                94,622      48,712   111           1.94
Yolo                    34,460      13,178   110            2.61
Santa Cruz        85,185      20,158   109            4.23
Monterey          64,733      26,378   104            2.45
Stanislaus         73,939      72,960   102            1.01
Imperial            23,887        9,318   102            2.56
Lassen                 2,224        7,574   102            0.29
11 Co. Total  3,344,543  1,287,490                    2.60

Rest of Calif 2,514,062   1,391,229                   1.81
All Calif.       5,858,605  2,678,719                    2.19

This compilation is remarkable in so many ways.

California has 3.4 million resident aliens (green card holders and special visas). They are not eligible to vote. They also have about 3 million illegal aliens (obviously not eligible to vote)

California has motor voter registration. They issue driver’s licenses to, not only resident aliens but also to illegal aliens. All they have to do to  be registered to vote is to check a box indicating they are eligible. No check for its validity is performed.

Los Angeles County is the capital of illegal aliens, so it comes as no surprise that since they now have driver’s licenses and thereby by extension are made eligible to vote, the ratio of 1.44 between registered voters and lawfully eligible voters comes as no surprise.

Silicon valley has more resident aliens than other areas of California, so it is no surprise they have registered voters exceeding eligible voters.

There is one small county located way up in North East California, Lassen County which voted heavily for Trump. It has only two major employers, two state prisons and one federal prison. Could Lassen County  have registered ineligible prisoners?

This calls for a thorough investigation if the integrity of voting means anything.

The link to the letter from Judicial watch to CA,

Why was Obama silent on Russian hacking before the election? A Limerick.

Obama did not mention hacking

’til Trump sent old Hillary packing.

For he couldn’t reveal

how the Dem’s tried to steal

the process by voter fraud backing.

Hmm, let’s see. Obama knew of Russian successful hacking of two states, Illinois and Arizona, and knew of Russia trying to hack 21 states election processes. The DNC computer server was hacked, and they prevented FBI and NSC from investigating the server. It can only mean the DNC had their own illegal election fraud operation going on, and silence was a necessity. After the election he tried to frame the Trump election operation.

Makes sense.