Duelling groundhogs 2017, a Limerick.

The duelling groundhogs’ predictions:

They come with their voters’ restrictions.

One is hot, one is cold;

all to fit in the fold.

It’s all from the hogs’ jurisdictions.

This was totally predictable. Punxutawney Phil comes from the county of Jefferson, Pennsylvania, a county that voted 78.3% for Trump, so naturally he predicted six more weeks of winter. He is a representative of the 2,623 counties that voted in favor of Trump. No Climate Change here.

The impostor, Staten Island Chuck stems from the borough of Staten Island that voted 58.6% in favor of Trump. But New York City as a whole voted 81% in favor of Clinton, and as the Mayor of  New York City,  Bill De Blasio  was master of ceremonies, he didn’t dare to predict anything but an early spring, remembering what happened to his predecessor, a very unlucky grondhog the very same mayor dropped to the ground, after which fall he (she?) got hurt so badly he (she?) died a few hours later back in the zoo. It was then discovered that Chuck was actually Charlotte, an impostor, but what can you expect from New York City politicians? It didn’t prevent PETA to give De Blasio their award of the year anyway.

Chuck will represent the 520 counties won by Hillary Clinton, nearly all inner city counties, where people live Climate Change. The Urban Heat Island effect has lead to more than one degree heating in the last 30 years, and these concrete jungles will heat up some more even when there is moderate worldwide cooling.

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Retired engineer, graduated from Chalmers Technical University a long time ago with a degree in Technical Physics. Career in Aerospace, Analytical Chemistry, computer chip manufacturing and finally adjunct faculty at Pennsylvania State University, taught just one course in Computer Engineering, the Capstone Course.

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