Day 93 of reading the Holy Bible in 365 days.

Mark 5 is a chapter full of action. On a hillside east of the sea of Galilee a demon possessed man met Jesus and recognized him as “The Son of the Most High God” and begged him not to torture him. The demons in the man asked Jesus to send them into a herd of pigs, about 2000 or so. Jesus let the demons go into the swine, and they promptly rushed down the hill and into Lake Galilee and drowned. This was too much for the people living in the area, so they begged Jesus to leave. Jesus did depart, and doing so he met Jarius, who had a daughter that was dying. As they went to Jarius’ house a large crowd followed them, and a woman with a bleeding issue for twelve years touched his garment. This Jesus noticed, and said to the woman “Daughter, your faith has healed you”. While still at a distance from Jarius’ house the news arrived that Jarius’ daughter had died, they were too late for healing. Jesus ignored them, saying: “Be not afraid, only believe.” Then he told the child “Talitha koum”, she rose up, and that is the end of the chapter.

Joshua 17 describes in more detail the land that would belong to the half tribe of Manasseh, west of Jordan, and also the land of Ephraim.

Joshua 18 gives a description of how the rest of the land was to be divided, beginning with the land of Benjamin, continuing with

Joshua 19, Simeon’s inheritance with Judah, the land of Zebulon, the land of Issachar, the land of Asher, the land of Naphtali, the land of Dan and finally Joshua’s Inheritance..

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Retired engineer, graduated from Chalmers Technical University a long time ago with a degree in Technical Physics. Career in Aerospace, Analytical Chemistry, computer chip manufacturing and finally adjunct faculty at Pennsylvania State University, taught just one course in Computer Engineering, the Capstone Course.

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