Daniel 11, the great prophesy.


Yes, there were five kings in 303 B.C., Antigonus amassed a large army and fleet, but the other kings attacked, defeated and killed Antigonus in 301 B.C., his kingdom divided, and then there were four.






The rest of this prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. It is now 2250+ years later, and it seems the rest of the prophecy is to be fulfilled.

Let us take a pause and see what is happening.

Let us take a look at the people of the world, starting from Genesis.


Looking at the map of the Middle East today, these are the people mentioned and their original settlements.

This is where Ishmael spent his life. He helped bury Abraham. His descendants branched out  from there, mostly in the Levant.


Who is this King?

The one desired by women is a reference to the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The desire of all nations is the Messiah, Jesus Christ

This king is most likely the Mahdi, yet to be revealed.

He will be joined by the forces of communism, socialism and humanism.

The prophetic clock started again with the

All this is yet to happen.

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Retired engineer, graduated from Chalmers Technical University a long time ago with a degree in Technical Physics. Career in Aerospace, Analytical Chemistry, computer chip manufacturing and finally adjunct faculty at Pennsylvania State University, taught just one course in Computer Engineering, the Capstone Course.

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