February 27, read the Bible in a year; in PowerPoint, with comments.

Matthew 14:15-36. After learning of the beheading of John the Baptist Jesus tried to withdraw from the people by boat to a solitary place, but there he found a large crowd, so he decided to feed the gathering of 5000 plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two small fishes. After all were satisfied, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. Jesus dismissed the crowd, made the disciples go in a boat to travel to the other side of Lake Gennesaret, and then after Jesus had prayed alone he joined them by walking on the water. A very interesting read.

In Numbers 11 the people complained about eating manna every day, so God put His spirit on seventy elders to prophecy, but He also sent them quail , a delicious game bird, but after eating quail for a whole month until it came out their nostrils; they got sick, and so God punished the gluttons.

In  Numbers 12 Miriam and Aaron opposed Moses and Miriam suffered the consequences.

In Numbers 13 God prepared His people to take the land He had promised them, so they were sending out scouts to survey the land and how best to conquer it. They came back with a discouraging report; it is a good land flowing with milk and honey, but the people are too strong for them, they felt like grasshoppers in their sight. Only Caleb dissented. (Joshua joined Caleb in the next chapter).

Day 58 of reading the Holy Bible in 365 days.

Matthew 14:15-36. After learning of the beheading of John the Baptist Jesus tried to withdraw from the people by boat to a solitary place, but there he found a large crowd, so he decided to feed the gathering of 5000 plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two small fishes. After all were satisfied, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. Jesus dismissed the crowd, made the disciples go in a boat to travel to the other side of Lake Gennesaret, and then after Jesus had prayed alone he joined them by walking on the water. A very interesting read.

In Numbers 11 the people complained about eating manna every day, so God put His spirit on seventy elders to prophecy, but He also sent them quail , a delicious game bird, but after eating quail for a whole month until it came out their nostrils they got sick, and God punished the gluttons.

In  Numbers 12 Miriam and Aaron opposed Moses and Miriam suffered the consequences.

In Numbers 13 God prepared His people to take the land He had promised them, so they were sending out scouts to survey the land and how best to take it. They came back with a discouraging report; it is a good land flowing with milk and honey, but the people are too strong for them, they felt like grasshoppers in their sight. Only Caleb dissented. (Joshua joined Caleb in the next chapter).

February 27: Read through the Holy Bible in a year.

Matthew 14:15-36. After learning of the beheading of John the Baptist Jesus tried to withdraw from the people by boat to a solitary place, but there he found a large crowd, so he decided to feed the gathering of 5000 plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two small fishes. After all were satisfied the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. Jesus dismissed the crowd, made the disciples go in a boat to travel to the other side of Lake Genesareth, and then after Jesus had prayed alone he joined them by walking on the laker. A very interesting read.

In Numbers 11 the people complained about eating manna every day, so God put His spirit on seventy elders to prophecy, but He also sent them quail , a delicious game bird, but after eating quail for a whole month until it came out their nostrils they got sick, and God punished the gluttons.

In  Numbers 12 Miriam and Aaron opposed Moses and Miriam suffered the consequences.

In Numbers 13 God prepared His people to take the land He had promised them, so they were sending out scouts to survey the land and how best to take it. They came back with a discouraging report; it is a good land flowing with milk and honey, but the people are too strong for them, they felt like grasshoppers in their sight. Only Caleb dissented. (Joshua joined Caleb in the next chapter)