June 10, read through the Holy Bible in a year in Power-point, with comments.

Taking a pause between Romans and 1 Corinthians we read today one chapter in Proverbs and three chapters in 1 Chronicles..

June 10: Proverbs 71 Chronicles 10, 1 Chronicles 11, 1 Chronicles 12 (click on the chapter to begin reading)

Proverbs 7, keep the Law, Seek wisdom and above all, stay away from harlots! They will use every trick to get you!

1 Chronicles 10. The inglorious end of king Saul. He fell on his own sword and his sons were killed.

1 Chronicles 11, David was made King over Israel, after which he conquered Jerusalem and it was from then on called the City of David (as opposed to the town of David, which is Bethlehem).  The chapter also lists David’s mighty men, describing some of their deeds.

1 Chronicles 12, David’s Army grew and grew, and in Hebron David’s Army was numbered. With so many volunteers to join the army there was joy in Israel.

June 10, read through the Bible in a year.

Today, in between Romans and 1 Corinthians we are reading one chapter in Proverbs and three chapters in 1 Chronicles..

June 10: Proverbs 71 Chronicles 10, 1 Chronicles 11, 1 Chronicles 12 (click on the chapter to begin reading)

Proverbs 7, keep the Law, Seek wisdom and above all, stay away from harlots! They will use every trick to get you!

1 Chronicles 10,  Saul fell on his own sword and his Sons were killed.

1 Chronicles 11, David was made King over Israel, then he conquered Jerusalem and it is from then on called the City of David (as opposed to the town of David, which is Bethlehem). David’s mighty men and some of their deeds are listed.

1 Chronicles 12, David’s Army grew and grew, David’s Army at Hebron and the men were numbered. With so many volunteers to join the Army there was joy in Israel.