June 23, read the Bible in a year; in PowerPoint, with comments.

Acts 16:16-40. In Philippi Paul and Silas were put in prison, but while singing praises to God their chains fell off, the Philippian Jailer, rather than killing himself asked “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they answered, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Since Paul and Silas were Roman citizens they were asked to leave secretly, but they went to Lydia’s house instead. After that they departed.

2 Chronicles 3. Solomon did build the temple to man’s standard, six hands to a cubit. He even used gold nails instead of iron nails in the ceiling, far more gold than was called for in the tabernacle.

2 Chronicles 4 contains a listing of the temple furnishings.

2 Chronicles 5. The ark was brought into the Temple, and the glory of the LORD filled the Temple.

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Retired engineer, graduated from Chalmers Technical University a long time ago with a degree in Technical Physics. Career in Aerospace, Analytical Chemistry, computer chip manufacturing and finally adjunct faculty at Pennsylvania State University, taught just one course in Computer Engineering, the Capstone Course.

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