November 13, read through the Holy Bible in a year in Power-point, with comments.

Today we read the last chapter of the first letter of the Apostle Peter and two chapters of Ezekiel.

November 13: 1 Peter 5, Ezekiel 44, Ezekiel 45 (click on the chapter to begin reading).

1 Peter 5. Elders, shepherd the flock,  not for filthy lucre, but being examples of service and submission to God, in due time receiving a crown. Resist the devil, look to God “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” The letter ends with farewell greetings.

Ezekiel 44. The East Gate is to remain shut (this is important prophecy), only the Prince may sit inside the gate. Only clean people are are admitted to the temple, and there are many laws concerning priests.

Ezekiel 45. The dimensions of the holy district are defined, the properties of the city and as for the prince, execute justice, live in peace and live under the laws governing the prince, including keeping the feasts.

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Retired engineer, graduated from Chalmers Technical University a long time ago with a degree in Technical Physics. Career in Aerospace, Analytical Chemistry, computer chip manufacturing and finally adjunct faculty at Pennsylvania State University, taught just one course in Computer Engineering, the Capstone Course.

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